
Applications for Admission 2021

Applications for Admission 2021
Applications for Admission 2021 Application for Admission to JUNIOR INFANTS 2021 Application for Admission to ASD CLASS 2021 Application for Admission to ALL CLASSES except JUNIOR INFANTS and ASD Hard copies of the above application…

Christmas Doors

Christmas Doors
We have all had so much fun decorating our classroom doors for Christmas. Come and have a look at our work! Christmas Doors 2020 (1)

Food collection for St. Vincent de Paul

A MASSIVE thank you to everyone for their generous donations for our reverse Advent calendar. Together we filled 72 boxes for St. Vincent de Paul. Well done everyone. This will make a huge difference for local families.

Special visitor to Scoil Bhríde!!

We had a very special visitor call to Scoil Bhríde during last night!  He must have heard how good all the children have been this year.  He left a very special message....have a listen yourself....

Enrolment 2021/2022

The school will commence accepting applications for admission on Thursday 14th January 2021 Closing date for receipt of applications is Thursday 4th February 2021.

Drop-off and Collection Routines

Drop-off and Collection Routines
Dear Parent / Guardian, Staff Member RE: Drop-off and Collection Routines We have been working to ensure a safe return to school for all pupils and staff in two weeks’ time.   We have now finalised…